Heading to a Music Festival This Summer?
Not sure what to wear to a summer music festival? Or even what to take to a daytime festival then check this out!
Recently I attended Harbour lIfe 2018, it’s one of my favourite house music festival events. Amazing location on Sydney Harbour and it’s the perfect introduction to a longer festival. The great thing about Harbour Life, is that there is only one stage so you don’t need to prepare as much as you do for a multi stage event. Let’s face it you don’t want to miss a second of your favourite act standing in line for the port-a-loo’s!!
So here’s a few tips-
Before the Event!
Think About What You’re Going To Wear, Way In Advance

The reason for this is that you don’t wear normal clothes to a festival, it’s an opportunity to show off your style and get a little crazy. The challenge is that you don’t usually find the crazy shiny stuff at the mall so you have to order it online, and sometimes the global shipping thing can take a couple of weeks. So start shopping when you get your ticket!!
P.S-Remember it gets cooler at night so grab something funky to wear on top and a cute hat!
Pee- Friendly Outfit
Also, think about how you’re going to pee in your festival outfit!! Not literally pee in it, you know what I mean! Can you quickly get in and get out or do you have to undo all manner of buckles, buttons, and belts etc.
Your Preciousss
Think about what you are going to take your valuables in and which valuables you are going to take.
Security is really strict at these events and they can be total dickheads, not all of them but I’ve definitely seen some dickhead moves. Last year I went to Harbour lIfe and the girl beside me had carried a little vial of perfume that her mum (now deceased) had given her. She was devo when she had to leave it behind because there was no liquid allowed and no where she could leave it!
Take The Bare Minimum
If you end up taking a larger bag - find something that can handle a drink getting thrown on it! Vinyl works well if you have to put it on the ground. Consider taking a smaller cross body or mini backpack or one of those bum bags (fanny packs for you non Aussies) to keep your essentials in!
Either way, if it’s not in a locker keep an eye on it! I once had my bag on the other side of the fence in arms reach and this totally wasted guy walked over to the fence and unzipped his pants and was about to pee through the fence, which would have landed on my bag!!
Show Me The Money
If you haven’t already got it download apple or android pay and link it to your credit card just in case you lose your money you have a backup.
Make sure your phone has a pin code or needs a fingerprint to unlock it. Consider stashing some extra cash somewhere on you!
Your Own Playlist
Speaking of downloads, having something to look forward to is awesome, so use it to your advantage! Sure work/study etc can get you down but that’s no reason to not start thinking about all the fun you’re going to have by finding your fave DJ’s and creating a playlist on Spotify or tracking them down on SoundCloud or MixCloud etc.
Sing Along
Listen to the Playlist as often as possible, there’s something deeply rewarding about being able to sing along with thousands of other people.

Always Buy In Advance
Think about your crew before you get your ticket, it sucks being the only one that can’t get a ticket ‘cause the gig’s sold out. So get your shit together and create a group and check in with people before you buy your tickets. You don’t have to buy them for other people cause that can be a pain in the ass but at least give them a heads up when you are buying and ideally before they get too expensive!
Public Transport It Is, Or Is It?
Plan your transport options, are you doing the Uber thing?

Public Transport or getting a lift? Planning in advance can save you extra anxiety on the day.
Get There Before
Plan to arrive at least 45 minutes before the set you want to see, there’s always a line, there’s always someone in your crew that needs to take a piss before you get to the gates (usually me lol). There’s always wankers that are best to be avoided, especially when alcohol is involved. There are always lines at the bar and indecisive people in front of you! Factor all that in and you might still make it for the opening track!
Too Drunk To Plan
Plan your after party way in advance too, you don’t always make the best decisions at the end of a full day of partying, right? So make sure you know what you’re doing after and how you are going to fuel yourself through the day.
Earplugs, Your New BFFS
Consider taking some earplugs, the music is super loud - so if you don’t want to be deaf as a doorknob when you get a little older do yourself a favor and get some industrial strength earplugs to wear on the day.

It helps with the post-event ringing that you get in your ears too and it helps you have a conversation with your new found friend over the music!
Grab Some No-Doze
Do you remember those caffeine pills that would help you pull an allnighter? Well, they still exist, so do yourself a favor and grab some from the chemist and take a few with you just in case. It’s much easier to take one and have a quick caffeine hit then find a coffee or a redbull sometimes. Plus less liquid equals fewer trips to the nasty ass toilets! I usually take a whole pack with me and share them with people who need a pick me up, including the security guards!!
On The Day!
Get Your Sunscreen On Early
Yeah I get it, you wear makeup and you don’t want sticky sunscreen all over your face. Best to put it on under your makeup, try and get a decent one that feels ok and remember to reapply it...which is likely never going to happen so slap it on thick and remember your new hat!
Eat A Shit Ton Of Carbs
Dancing requires carbs and lots of them. Try and keep some kind of energy bar in reserve (Cliff Bars are great) in case the lines are too long for food or you just can’t be arsed.
Speaking Of Food
There is always a peak time that people get hungry - that’s not when you want to be eating. So when you go to the loo, check out the lines for the food. Probably by the 3rd time you’ve stood in line for the port-a-loos it’ll be time to eat! So get in a bit early and if you see a friend getting a bit off their head a bit too early in the day try and get some food into them or you may end up baby sitting them at the medical tent!
Loo’s - Oh God Gross
It doesn’t seem to matter when you go in there they are pretty much always disgusting, so be prepared! It’s not unusual to find used condoms, tampons and all manner of things around your feet - it’s nasty but that’s life at a festival. It’s worth it to walk as far away as possible, normally those loo’s have been used less and have shorter lines...cause we’re all lazy.
Take A Buddy
Consider taking a buddy to the loo with you! I recently went to a festival and I didn’t realise how many Double Blacks I’d had until I came out of the loo’s and looked back towards the stage and thought there’s no way I can walk back there now! So I had to sit on the ground and talk myself around for at least 15 minutes before I could attempt the marathon return to the front of the stage! It was a great time to meet new friends though!
Speaking Of New Friends
Connect with them quickly if you feel that you might ever want to party with them again!! There’s nothing worse than having the most amazing connection only to lose them before you’ve friended them up on social!
Now that you’re besties make sure you remember to intro them to your existing crew!
Hmm About That Crew
They were just there and the next minute you’ve been ghosted!! Don’t take it to heart, the music gets better towards the end, people are more into it and the crowd surges forward plus it’s darker so be prepared to lose your friends at some stage and make sure you’ve planned a meet up point for the end if you are traveling away from the gig together.
Be Infinitely Flexible
You won’t be disappointed! Sometimes partying with randoms in strange houses can be the most fun ever. But keep your wits about you, text someone you know that’s still responsible and consider using one of those apps that track your whereabouts just in case!
Live in the moment, put the phone down, talk to new people, and dance your a** off. Just enjoy the atmosphere and have fun, after all that's why you bought the ticket!
I hope these tips help you feel more prepared and have an idea of how to survive a music festival! Have a blast, be safe, and dance your cares away!